On May 19, 2023 the Investigation Report Summary: Into Allegations of Harassment and Wrongdoing against the AFN National Chief RoseAnne Archibald was distributed to Chiefs nationwide. This report was prepared by Raquel Chisholm and Emond Harden, LLP.
The National AFN is scheduled to host a virtual Special Chiefs Assembly on June 28, 2023 on this matter.
The BCAFN is scheduling a BC Chiefs Caucus Meeting, for Chiefs and proxies only, on June 26, 9am-12pm in order to prepare and caucus prior to attending the national Special Chiefs Assembly on June 28, 2023.
Raquel Chisholm will be available to speak to the report and answer any questions.
An agenda is forthcoming.
If you have any questions, please direct to maureen.buchan@bcafn.ca