The BC Assembly of First Nations (BCAFN) and BC First Nations Justice Council (BCFNJC) are co-hosting a 2-day virtual regional forum exploring federal commitments to establish First Nations policing as an essential service.
This forum will aim to provide context about current streams of work and the state of First Nations policing in BC, including a presentation from Honourable Judge Marion Buller on the MMIWG inquiry’s 231 Calls for Justice.
We will present and invite feedback on ideas for transforming First Nations community policing in British Columbia.
Dialogue will build upon work to date, including the BC First Nations Justice Strategy and the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Justice and Policing forums.
This event is open to First Nations Chiefs, leadership, experts, technicians, and community members.
Day One – May 25, 2022
Opening Protocol
Dr. Gwendolyn Point, BCAFN Knowledge Keeper
Opening Remarks
Regional Chief Terry Teegee
Context Setting
Federal Legislative Commitments and AFN Policing Taskforce Update
Québec/Labrador Regional Chief Ghislain Picard
Chief Dean Nelson, Lil’wat Nation
Chief Jerry Jack, Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation
Transforming First Nations Policing
Chair, Doug White, BC First Nations Justice Council
Community Tripartite Agreement Experiences
Chief Councillor Greg Louie, Ahousaht First Nation
Calvin Demerais, Senior Policing and Public Safety Advisor, BCFNJC
Self-Administered Agreement Experiences
Dee Doss-Cody, Chief Officer for the Stl’atl’imx Police
Rebecca Barley, Stlʼatlʼimx Tribal Police Service, Chair
Courtney Adolph-Jones, former Chief of T’i’t’q’et
Lunch Break
Special Committee on on Reforming the Police Act (SCORPA)
Doug Routley, Chair, and Dan Davies, Deputy Chair, Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act
Reflections on the SCORPA
Reflections on the SCORPA, Regional Chief Terry Teegee and Doug White, BCFNJC Chair
Breakout Discussion
Breakout Discussion
Health Break
The Calls for Justice
Honourable Judge Marion Buller
First Nation Legal Orders and Community Safety
Dr. Val Napoleon
Summary of Day 1 and Overview of Day 2
Facilitators and Graphic Recorder Moe Butterfly, Alderhill Planning
Closing Protocol
Day Two – May 26, 2022
Opening Protocol
Elder Caroline Buckshot
Boyd Peters, BCFNJC Council Member
Community Safety Initiatives
Chief James Hobart, Spuzzum First Nation
Chief Maureen Chapman, Skawahlook First Nation
Chris Gosselin, Urban Indigenous Liaison Officer, Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detachment, RCMP
Mary Childs, General Counsel, Tsawwassen First Nation,
Katie Alexander, Manager of Health and Social Services, Tsawwassen First Nation
Andrew Van Eden, Community Safety Manager, Tsleil Waututh First Nation
Acting Chief Leslie Aslin, and Maddison Sam, Justice Coordinator, Tl’azt’en First Nation
Health Break
Experiences from other Regions
Chief Chris Sutter, Tulalip Tribal Police Service (Washington, USA)
Julian Falconer, Falconers LLP, Nishnawbe Aski Police Service (Ontario)
Keith Blake, Chief of Police, Tsuut’ina Nation Police Service (Alberta)
Lunch Break
Breakout Discussion
Breakout Discussion Report Back
Breakout Discussion
Breakout Discussion Report Back
Closing Remarks
Regional Chief Terry Teegee
Summary of Day 2 and Graphic Recording Report Back
Delaine Margaret and Ren Roberts, Alderhill Planning
Closing Protocol
Boyd Peters, BCFNJC Member