October 21, 2024 from 9:00am – 12:00pm PST
Meeting Objectives:
- Provide an overview of the First Nations Climate Leadership Agenda (FNCL Agenda) and the BC First Nations Climate Leadership Agenda (BC FNCL Agenda).
- Present and receive feedback on the themes and high-level recommendations that emerged from the engagement sessions held between November 2023 – July 2024, including the in-person engagement sessions and previous climate-related strategies.
- Present and receive feedback on the costing model and rationale.
- Discuss the next steps to advance implementing the BC FNCL Agenda.
Time | Topic |
9:00am – 9:10am | Welcome and Opening Prayer – Harvey McLeod |
9:10am – 9:20am | Opening Remarks and Context Setting |
9:20am – 9:50am | Canada-wide FNCL Agenda Process Overview and Next Steps – Georgina Lloyd, Assistant Deputy Minister, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Presentation on FNCL Agenda and Next Steps Discussion and Questions |
9:50am – 10:20am | Overview of the BC FNCL Agenda Process, Engagement, Themes and High-level Recommendations • Presentation of BC FNCL Agenda, Engagement, Themes and High-level Recommendations |
10:20am – 10:25am | Short Break (5 min) |
10:25am – 11:00am | Implementing the BC FNCL Agenda: Structure and Costing – Dillon Johnson and Harmony Johnson Overview of First Nations Climate Fund and Governance Structure Overview of FNCL Agenda Costing Model |
11:00am – 11:40am | Discussion • The BC FNCL Agenda has proposed High-Level Recommendations to enable transformation change in the federal system and support First Nations-led climate action and leadership in BC. o Are any key priorities missing? o What are the most urgent recommendations? |
The models of a Climate Fund and Climate Secretariat are intended to provide flexible and adaptable capacity and funding that works across silos and sectors. Do you have any other direction and suggestions on how to implement the Climate Fund and Climate Secretariat? Would you propose any other governance model? How can we collectively work to embed climate action into our various organizations and agendas and break silos? The recommendations include having dedicated on-theground climate staff/coordinators in each Nation to enhance capacity and a Network to support collaborative climate action. How could the Network be set up to best support climate staff in your Nation? From your perspective where should this network be housed? | |
11:40am – 11:50am | BC FNCL Agenda Next Steps • Outline the next steps to advance the BC First Nations Climate Leadership Agenda |
11:50am – 12:00pm | Closing Comments and Meeting Adjournment |