The Coast Coal Harbour Hotel – Group Booking Deadline is January 15th, 2024
Individual call-in reservations can be made by calling the toll-free Central Reservations telephone line at 1.800.663.1144, or by calling the Hotel directly at 1.604.697.0202 (press “0” for front desk). Please be sure to provide the agent with the HMS Group Code #3565254 or group meeting name BCAFN Women Chiefs Caucus.
1180 W Hastings St, Vancouver, BC V6E 4R5
Google Maps
Travel funding is available for up to one (1) Chief or one (1) Traditional/Hereditary Leader/Councillor/Youth per First Nation community, in accordance with BCAFN’s Travel Policy.
If you have any questions about registration please contact Joanna Prince, BCAFN Administrative Projects Support.